#wordpress #multimedia #events
Global Engagement: A Virtual Pivot in the Midst of a Pandemic
Soon after the grand inauguration of their venue, our client found themselves in the midst of an unforeseen global pandemic. This sudden crisis necessitated a swift and strategic pivot to a new method of content sharing - a virtual platform. Amid the changes, they remained steadfast in their mission - to amplify and elevate diverse voices through the powerful mediums of film and art. To continue their work effectively, they needed a robust, easily accessible platform that would allow them to share a plethora of content. This included films and enriching discussions from a variety of events such as film festivals, exclusive film premieres, insightful round table discussions, and other community-centric events. The aim was clear - to continue fostering a sense of community and promoting diversity, even in the face of a global crisis.
Our team has been successful in creating a state-of-the-art virtual screening room that expertly simulates the unique experience of attending in-person film screenings and participating in live discussions. The intent behind this innovative development was to create an environment that is not only immersive but also easily accessible and efficient for every user.
In an effort to streamline the user experience, we have incorporated e-commerce integration with a renowned third-party platform. This platform specializes in managing events, ticketing, streaming, and digital rights management. By leveraging their expertise, we have been able to provide a seamless and hassle-free virtual theater experience for every end user.
At the heart of this platform is a meticulously structured backend. We have dedicated much thought and effort to ensuring that this aspect of the platform is as user-friendly as possible. This careful planning means that even those who are just starting out in the field of content development will find it easy to understand and use the platform to its full potential. This empowers budding content creators to share their work with a wider audience and engage with them in a meaningful way.
- WordPress
- Event Management System API
The differentiating factors that we brought in our solution are two-fold.
The backend system design that we proliferated throughout our provided content management system was designed with our client in mind. Our client had assembled a nascent management team, unfamiliar of industry process and standard. Our design was simplified and focused on user flow, resulting in traditionally complex content management tasks becoming easy-to-execute. Leveraging our traditional drill-down approach, while simplified on face, the interface was still full fledged. An experienced content manager would still be empowered to enact all necessary management capabilities.
The events management platform that our client and our team selected by consensus was fledging upon project inception. The platform was fully capable with a affordance-rich API, but some of our client’s nice-to-haves weren’t available at project start. Instead of developing a website with the capability available, we connected with the platform and worked directly with their senior engineering and project management team to map and create new capabilities, benefiting both the events management platform and our client.
Upon the successful launch of our platform, we were able to achieve remarkable 100 scores across the board on the Google Lighthouse audit program. This unparalleled accomplishment signifies our steadfast adherence to the best practices in web development and design. Moreover, it also reflects our commitment to uphold the gold-standard ADA guidelines for accessibility. We have not just focused on the technicalities; we have also dedicated resources to ensure high performance and superior user experience.
We aimed to provide an online space that is not only user-friendly but also efficient and reliable. It is our belief that a good platform should not just be functional but also inclusive and accessible to all, regardless of their technical abilities or disabilities.
In addition to these, our platform has become a lasting solution for film enthusiasts and casual viewers alike. It continues to facilitate the discovery and appreciation of a variety of films from different parts of the world. It serves as a bridge that connects cultures and stories, promoting understanding and respect for diversity. Indeed, our platform is more than just a website; it’s a tool for discovery, learning, and enjoyment.